Browse by Position
Partner, Clark, Klein & Beaumont
Partner, Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates LLC
Partner, Kieran Timberlake, Philadelphia, Pa.
Past President, American Dental Education Association
Pastor, Our Lady of the Rosary
Patent Attorney, Hittemore, Hulbert and Belknap
Patriarch of Antioch and of all East of Alexandria and of Jerusalem
Patroness, Mother of Christian Home
Philanthropist and Businessman
Pioneering Heart Researcher and Surgeon
Poet and Publisher; University Professor and Librarian
Pre-eminent Humanist and Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library
President & CEO, Autocam Corporation
President & CEO, Bradford Companies
President & CEO, Damman Hardware
President & CEO, Ducu-News Inc
President & Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Golden Laser Dental
President & Chief Executive Officer, The Wendy’s Company
President and CEO, Autocam Medical (John); Quality Analyst, Autocom Corporation (Nancy)
President and Chairman of the Board, Burroughs Corporation (retired)
President and Chairman of the Board, Packard Motor Company
President and Chief Executive, Detroit Edison; University of Detroit Board of Trustees
President and Chief Operating Officer, K-Mart Corporation
President and Medical Director Emeritus, Michigan Cancer Foundation
President Detroit Pure Milk Company
President Emeritus, Mercy Health System
President, American Dental Association
President, American Dental Association
President, Andy Farkas & Associates
President, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan
President, Association of Jesuit College and Universities
President, Birmingham Southern College and Association of American Colleges Administrator
President, Burroughs Adding Machine Company
President, Columbia Broadcasting System Radio.
President, Cooney & Cooney, P.C.
President, Copeland Products, Inc.
President, Cunningham Drug Stores Inc.
President, Diehl & Diehl Architects
President, Eastern Michigan University
President, Electric-Auto-Lite Company
President, Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Company
President, F.D. Stella Products Co.
President, General Motors Corporation
President, Hilton Hotels Corp.
President, Karpus & Karpus, C.P.A., P.C.
President, League of Catholic Women
President, Lighthouse of Oakland County, Inc.
President, Medical College of Pennsylvania
President, Michigan Bar Association
President, Michigan Manufacturer & Financial Record
President, Michigan Mobile Homes
President, Plunkett, Cooney, Rutt, Watters, Stanczyk & Pedersen
President, R.A. Abdoo & Co. LLC
President, Susan Maxman Architects, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
President, Texas Christian University
President, United States Fastener Corporation
President, University of Connecticut; President-elect, Michigan State University
President, University of Detroit Mercy
President, University of Detroit Mercy
President, University of Maryland at Baltimore
President, Valente Realty, Inc.
President, Wayne State University
President-elect, American Medical Association
President/COO, Ford Motor Company
Priest, Domestic Prelate to Pius XI
Priest, Lecturer, Journalist, Composer, Playwright
Priest, Pastor and Philanthropist
Priest, Superintendent of Hospitals
Priest, Vice Rector, North American College in Rome
Principal, Detroit Day-School for the Deaf
Professor & Associate Dean, School of Dentistry, University of Detroit
Professor and Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor and Chairman, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Professor and Chairman, Department of Philosophy
Professor and Chairman, Education Department
Professor and Director, Intensive Language Program, Darthmouth College
Professor Emerita, Univesity of British Columbia
Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan
Professor Emeritus, Dramatist and Chaplain
Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa College of Law
Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan Dental School
Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina
Professor of History, Department of History and Political Science
Professor of History, University of Detroit
Professor of Law, University of Chicago
Professor of Law, University of Detroit
Professor of Law, University of Detroit
Professor of Music, Wayne State University
Professor of Philosophy, University of Detroit Mercy
Professor of Religious Studies
Professor, Chemistry Department
Professor, Chemistry, College of Engineering and Science
Professor, College of Business Administration
Professor, Counseling and Addiction Studies Department
Professor, Counselor, Confessor and Pastor
Professor, Decision Science, College of Business Administration
Professor, Department of Anatomy, School of Dentistry
Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Dentistry
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Engineering & Science
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Engineering & Science
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Engineering and Science
Professor, Department of Classical Studies
Professor, Department of Economics (retired)
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
Professor, Department of English
Professor, Department of English
Professor, Department of English
Professor, Department of English
Professor, Department of English
Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts & Education
Professor, Department of History
Professor, Department of History
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Professor, Department of Philosophy
Professor, Department of Philosophy
Professor, Department of Physics
Professor, Department of Political Science
Professor, Department of Political Science
Professor, Department of Prostodontics
Professor, Department of Psychology
Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Education
Professor, Department of Relgious Studies
Professor, Department of Religious Studies
Professor, Department of Religious Studies
Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice (retired)
Professor, Departments of History and Economics
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science
Professor, English Department, College of Liberal Arts & Education
Professor, Loyola College; Past President, St. Louis University
Professor, Mathematics Department
Professor, Mathematics Department
Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science & Software Engineering & Science
Professor, McAuley School of Nursing, College of Health Professions
Professor, McAuley School of Nursing, College of Health Professions
Professor, McAuley School of Nursing, University of Detroit Mercy
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department and Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering & Science
Professor, Mechanical Enineering, College of Engineering and Science
Professor, Modern Language Department
Professor, Nursing, McAuley School of Nursing, College of Health Professions
Professor, Orthodontics, School of Dentistry
Professor, Philosopher, and Economist
Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts & Education
Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts & Education
Professor, Religious Studies, University of Detroit
Professor, School of Architecture
Professor, School of Architecture
Professor, School of Architecture
Professor, School of Architecure
Professor, School of Dentistry
Professor, School of Dentistry
Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Detroit
Professor, Sociology, Division of Social Relations
Professor, Theatre Department (Department of Performing Arts)
Professor, University Administrator and Counseling Expert
Professor, Yale University Divinity School
Provincial, Detroit Province, Society of Jesus
Publisher Representative, The McGraw-Hill Co., Inc.
Publisher, Detroit Free Press (retired)
Publisher, Editor, Author; Dean of College of Commerce and Finance